When it has been days since you’ve washed your hair…sometimes you need a little deeper cleaning than normal. I remember when my hair was the dirtiest it has ever been - on the back of my dad’s Harley-Davidson Dresser, Bell helmet on - check - hot day - check - bird just pooped on the windshield - check - and it’s runny! Oh…it’s spreading, about to start its descent toward the edge of the tiny windshield…here it comes! Drip, drip, drip all over my hair.
Fast forward to me wishing I had a product like this that day. I remember washing my hair four times and it still just didn’t feel clean. This shampoo can give you that “American clean” feeling the first time around. We like white suds, just admit it. If you don’t see white suds, it’s just not clean. Especially with shampoo. Not only does this get all the build up out of your hair and off your scalp, it also removes chlorine if you are a pool groupie or take your kids to swim lessons. Paul Mitchell Clarifying Shampoo Three delivers but doesn’t break the bank.